Many people use to ask me that how much calories are burned by running, so today I have come up with 5 easy ways which will help you to burn more calories. So, let’s get started.
Walking is the best and simplest exercise to lose weight. If you are doing it in the morning or evening, you can burn around 300 calories. If you want to burn more calories then you need to walk for a longer time and the distance should be increased gradually. It will keep your body fit and active.
If you want to burn more calories then you need to run on the track or treadmill. You need to cover at least 10 miles per hour in order to burn 400 calories. But if you don’t want to do that, then you can start with slow jog. It will help you to lose weight.

If you don’t have access to any of these three, then you can do swimming. Swimming is one of the easiest exercises which will help you to burn calories. If you don’t have any swimming pool, then you can go for a swim in the river or lake.
You must be thinking that how much calories are burned by cycling? I would say that cycling is the best exercise because it helps to burn calories from every part of your body. So, if you want to burn more calories, then try cycling. It will help you to burn calories and make your body fit and active.